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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Getting Ready

School starts next week...when kids actually come to my room eagerly anticipating a new teacher, classmates, and adventures to begin. I'm teaching fourth grade this year and I've begun the process of getting my room ready. Every year I have to move something so this year I moved my cubbies, file cabinets, and am getting rid of my desk.  It has opened the room up and I'm excited to see how this floor plan works.  I'm also thrilled to only be doing one grade level this year and my mind is racing with all the cool games, projects I have seen on Pinterest and the blogs I follow.  Someone asked me yesterday how was my summer and I replied that it was a summer of repair and restoration.  Body, mind, soul, and spirit all needed the restoration and repair this summer!  Now I'm ready for the new school year with hope and excitement.

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